Updated progress for long-term client Tara

June 16th, 2017 by

Update on long-term LBC client (this is the third time we’ve worked together) Tara Green’s progress. I’d like to highlight a few things here. First, Tara is a pilot who flies internationally so you can imagine, there’s some planning that goes into maintaining decent compliance. If she can do it, so can the rest of us.

Tara started in decent shape so she was already up against the whole “Fat Loss and the Law of Diminishing Returns” phenomenon. Speaking of which, great article on the LBC site by the same name.

Also, because of her career and current schedule, in every program, we have Friday-Sunday completely off, as that’s just something we need for her schedule. We need to get our work done in four days. The point here, you have to individualize the approach so that you can actually do it/fit it into your busy lives.

Now related to the above, because of our training “limitations” and knowing we can only do so much, it’s understood that Tara’s dietary compliance needs to be taken seriously (it always should be if you want to optimize your results, but that’s for another day …)

Nutrition drives fat loss!

And finally, because we take a moderate approach – trying to execute the LBC philosophy, “if the methodology is not sustainable, the results will not be maintainable”, coaxing the body along in the desired direction instead of trying to force it, when she does go off plan, nothing of significance even happens.

Check it out!


“A little less defined this week. I ate out with the crew on every night of this trip, and did not eat on plan. I was a little conflicted here as I just came off vacation the week before, but also wanted to take part in the food in London. Part of it was not bringing food in, but I did bring tuna in and still didn’t eat it, so it was more about wanting to eat amazing food. Otherwise, did get home expecting to have it show more, but I can really only tell the abs are a bit softer- not a big difference, and clothes were still loose.

Undisciplined week for me – tough with not bringing stuff in with their rules, yes, but I could have done better by eating the tuna I did bring. I will make an actual plan for the next London 6-day trip I get, and drop them if I can – that is a fatiguing trip, no question.”


So, she’s preparing a plan to ensure success next time. Adapting in order to stay more on plan when faced with similar circumstances.

But yet, take a look at the pics.

And this biweekly? After all the off-plan delicious eating? Up ½ lb. Meh, easy come, easy go!

If the methodology is not sustainable, the results will not be maintainable. Remember that.