Client non-scale victories, the emotional and mental victories are of great value to us as coaches

February 16th, 2017 by

I have been coaching for many, many years now and what I have come to appreciate in terms of client results has definitely evolved over time. We always love to see the physical results, the fat loss, the strength gains and the new muscle, etc., but the non-scale victories, the emotional and mental victories have become of far greater value to me as a coach.

Watching and being a part of a client releasing themselves from a long “diet prison” is the most rewarding part of coaching.

Our coaching philosophy has evolved over time to put a primary focus on long-term client health (an even greater one as I’ve never been willing to compromise what I know is harmful just to achieve results) over short-term cosmetic gain. Yes nearly everyone starts coaching for the latter but under no circumstances will we ever compromise the former to achieve the latter.

If the methodology is not sustainable then the results/outcomes are not maintainable.

That is the LBC mantra.