Shoulder dislocations for shoulder mobility

Shoulder dislocations are a phenomenal exercise to add to any program to help protect your shoulders from injury. The rotator cuff is so important to protect but it’s one of the most neglected areas. Often, this seemingly simple drill is done incorrectly with excessive anterior pelvic tilt and forward head/neck protrusion. Really pay attention to.. Read more →

How to eat more protein

New clients often struggle with having to increase their protein intake. It is a filling macronutrient and it is also one which people tend to under eat before working with a coach. Protein needs are very important for both building muscle AND when losing weight in order to preserve muscle mass. The last thing you.. Read more →

Thyroid – the master gland

The thyroid gland is the master gland as it controls all systems in our body from our nervous systems, our breathing, our heart rate, our digestion, our body temperature, our body weight and MORE. It produces two main hormones called triiodothyronine and thyroxine. These are commonly known as T3 and T4 and delivers them to.. Read more →

What is the most optimal position for you to squat?

Squat Variations What is the most optimal position for you to squat? This question is asked very often and no 2 lifters will squat the same. So many things factor into the most optimal position for each person: – mobility of the hip and ankles – prior injuries  – goals Regardless, what I look for.. Read more →

The top 3 foods you should avoid

People need to stop assigning morality to their foods. Ultimately, eating “bad” foods will make you feel guilty. Any time you associate an emotion with what you eat, you are headed towards a bad place. There are no inherently “good” or “bad” foods in the context of one’s overall diet. When clients first sign on.. Read more →