The reality of muscle growth and “glute development transformations”

July 2nd, 2014 by

It seems to be the nature of “fitness marketing” – unrealistic claims in the hopes of making a sale, whether that be a product, a service or whatever.

Take some of these “glute development transformations”. I’ve seen some pretty outlandish claims for glute development progress which all but defy what we know about average rates of muscle gain, never mind the even slower rates of muscle gain in females. Heck I’ve seen someone claim inches of glute development in a couple weeks. I mean come on. How can you say that with a straight face?

The bottom line is that muscle is built over months upon months and years upon years, not days and weeks. it would be nice if the latter were true, but I hate to break it to you, it’s not. Don’t believe the hype!

Here is a realistic and yet impressive glute development transformation. Realistic because this took OVER A YEAR to achieve. In that time frame there were some fat-loss phases, some building phases, some more fat loss and now back to building.

Now I’m not saying you can’t dramatically improve the look of your glutes much faster than this, but that’s an issue of fat loss. In terms of glute DEVELOPMENT, like any muscle development, it takes TIME! Be patient, work hard and consistent and the results always come.

Long-term LBC client Andrea Belitski in the pictures.
