The effects of weight training on anxiety

August 24th, 2015 by

Weight training can provide a myriad of benefits. However, one I found interesting after reading a 2010 study was the effect weight training can have on anxiety. See below for more details.

In this study published the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research and conducted around mid-terms, 104 students were put into 5 different groups. One group did nothing and served as the control. The other 4 groups took part in a weight-training session. All training sessions consisted of four exercises (i.e., chest press, seated row, leg press and lying leg curls), which were performed for three sets. The difference between these four sessions was that the intensity and rest periods were different.

Two out of four workouts required the students to use 55% of their one-rep max (1RM) on each exercise. This worked out to be about 10-11 reps. The difference between these two workouts was the rest period: 30s vs. 90s. The other two workouts had the students using 80-85% of their 1RM for each exercise. This worked out to be a weight they could move for 5-6 reps. The difference between these two workouts, similar to the first two mentioned, was the difference in rest periods (30s vs. 90s).

Before and three times after weight training (0–5, 20, and 40 minutes) the students filled out a questionnaire to assess their level of anxiety. What the researchers found was that all 4 workouts (regardless of their intensity levels and rest periods) lead to a significant decrease in anxiety at 20 and 40 minutes after training when compared to the baseline (before they worked out). There was no significant difference from baseline for the control group. Therefore, if you’re a little worked up about something and it’s got you feeling anxious then maybe a workout is in order. It may help you relax (at least in the short term).

Bibeau, WS et al. 2010. Effects of Acute Resistance Training of Different Intensities and Rest Periods on Anxiety and Affect. J Strength Cond Res. Aug;24(8):2184-91.