Slow Progress Is Still Progress

February 27th, 2015 by

If you just got a job in the mail room of a large corporation how quickly would you expect to be sitting in the chair as CEO of that company?

Chances are that, if this was your goal, you’d recognize that something like this would take a lot of time and effort to achieve.

In fact, I suspect that if someone asked you if you thought you were going to be the CEO in six months or even a year you’d you’d probably laugh because of the very low probability of something like that happening.

In that context you can acknowledge that achievement would take effort. But not only effort. It would be effort sustained consistently over a great deal of time.

Yet, despite the fact that we do our best to discourage this mindset, it seems that a lot of people seem to think that this same principle does not apply to physique transformation.

The reality is, however, that is DOES apply and if you’re just starting out on your path it is going to take a long period of consistent effort to get to where you want to be.

You’re not going to be in the mailroom one day and CEO the next. And you’re not going to be where you are today and shredded and muscular the next. This too takes time and you just can’t get around that.

This isn’t sexy and it certainly isn’t easy to sell (hence the reason many will try to sell you bogus shortcuts), but it is the cold, hard truth. It is going to take a lot of work, consistency, and patience.

So appreciate the progress you’re making even if it feels slow. Focus on the process and learn to enjoy it because that is what it going to take you to the top.