Research supporting the fact that nutrition is the primary driver of your fat-loss progress

February 6th, 2016 by

More research supporting the fact that nutrition is the primary driver of your fat-loss progress, not your training.

The training side of your program is of course important, but only up to a certain point. It is then not only not productive (as suggested in the paper) but also counterproductive to your progress.

Hear that all you double cardio people? Do many people still do cardio twice per day? Never mind. Of course they do but for sure there has to be less than there used to be with all the readily available information about about fat loss, metabolism and hormones these days.

Then again, most people will likely always feel that you have to exercise the fat off, as opposed to “eating” it off. But we’ll keep preaching, nutrition, nutrition, nutrition as that’s the what keeps so many people from trying and not getting there, to trying and successfully getting there.

From Dr. John Berardi:

This is such an important paper:

It shows that energy burn (through exercise) really only increases total daily energy burn at low levels of activity. So, when activity goes up, and you burn more calories through exercise, the body finds ways to burn fewer calories in other areas that contribute to metabolism.

Sounds weird but, if you’re already very active, trying to burn an extra 300 cals a day through exercise doesn’t work. Your body just turns down metabolism by 300 cals. You net out the same.

Logical next conclusion…after a certain level of physical activity, nutrition (calories in) becomes the most important driver of weight change.