Coach Erik demonstrates how to approach a vacation with true balance

September 3rd, 2015 by


Well, we’re back!

We all had a great time, even with the unreal humidity and sporadic bouts of hard rain. That humidity is just crazy though, lol.

Did we stay on plan? Haha, don’t be silly. Did we even try? Nope. We had absolutely zero intention to care about any “diet” or program. We ate what we wanted, in whatever quantity we wanted (which never turned out to be much since we didn’t feel the need to) and whenever we wanted.

With that mindset in place in advance of the trip, the desire to overeat just was not there. Admittedly, I have been on many trips over the years where I eat a LOT because it’s a “vacation” from my diet so I had to make it count. However, it wasn’t balanced nor is it really the lifestyle I want. I’d feel gross, come back heavier than I should (I always expect to come back somewhat heavier and it’s typically a case of easy come, easy go) and just wind up regretting some of my dietary choices. I’m sure many of you can relate with that experience.

(Stay tuned for a follow up to this post which is actually more like a prequel since I did something the second half of this summer that I’ve never done, ever. This decision played a big part in everything else I am writing here about our Disney eating experiences, and also had several unexpected, yet very positive outcomes which I’m excited about. I plan to do the same thing next summer.)

We had a “taste” of many, many things over our trip, but several times we didn’t even finish our meals and we certainly never ate to the point of discomfort. With the right mindset there really was just no need, nor desire.

Balance has become quite a buzzword these days it seems, but remember, balance has nothing to do with how many off plan meals you eat. Balance is simply a mindset. There’s no black and white, no extremes, just a big picture, long-term, lifestyle approach to fitness.

This is similar to the blog post I wrote after my wedding last year called, “Diet Hard, Train Hard, but Relax Hard and Enjoy Hard at Those Important Events in Your Life Too.”…/diet-hard-train-hard…/

Read that article. It’s a good one if I say so myself and there is a take-home message for everyone.