Client Jessica’s fantastic fat-loss progress

July 17th, 2017 by

Fat loss gradually slows as you go.

Those big numerical changes you may have experienced in the beginning when you’re body fat was much higher? It’s unrealistic to expect that to continue.

It slows down as you progress and get leaner as each successive pound of fat you lose represents a greater percentage of the fat remaining on your body and your body’s desire to fight further fat loss climbs.

We all have heard, or even experienced, that the last 5-10 lbs are harder to get off than the first 5-10 lbs. This is one of the physiological reasons why.

As you get down to the nitty gritty you tend to have to work harder, adhere better, be even more consistently on plan … for less results. Really, it is what it is. This is reality.

LBC client Jessica started off looking good already as you can see in the first picture. But she wanted a bit more so she set out and committed to get more.