Fat Loss And The Law of Diminishing Returns

One thing I find myself having to explain often to clients is that fat loss slows as you go. Those big numerical changes you experienced in the beginning when you’re body fat was much higher? It’s completely unrealistic to expect that to continue. At the same time when body fat is higher those big numerical.. Read more →

SS Cardio, Efficiency and The Escalade Vs The Civic

When I try to deprogram, I mean talk to (lol) clients to explain some of my issues with the high volume steady state cardio approach that seems to be the default fat-loss strategy in both competitive and general fat-loss circles, I often try to explain the issue by contrasting efficiency and inefficiency and what we.. Read more →

Q&A on Body Fat And Hunger Levels

Question: Might body fat levels play a role in hunger? My calories & workouts haven’t changed yet it seems like the leaner I get, the hungrier I get. Or is it just my imagination? Is this a leptin thing? Answer: Yes, definitely. Leptin, a chief regulatory hormone tends to fall with dieting and falling body.. Read more →

New LBC Testimonial – More Than Just Fat Loss

Thanks Susan … ——————— Erik’s coaching works! I have learned how to eat properly and train effectively. I have improved physically. I have changed how I view food and dieting. Physically I am leaner and stronger. I am more confident. The diet and workout plans Erik provided specifically for me are effective … and sane!.. Read more →

Back & Shoulder Specialization Results

In the world of figure competition, not only do you have to in great shape come show day, you also have to have the right amount of muscular development in the right areas; in essence to create a certain ‘illusion’ or silhouette. Contrary to the thoughts of a lot of new competitors, competing isn’t just.. Read more →