Going Through Storms

Sometimes we go through tough times. These can come in the form of financial difficulties, losses of loved ones, or break ups. Sometimes these struggles are painful. And in these moments it is easy to bail out on our goals because they don’t seem all that important in the moment. But the structure of a.. Read more →

Letting Go Of Resentment

“If you’re still holding on to resentment, then someone is controlling you. Have you ever said, “You make me so mad”? What you’re admitting at that point is, “You are controlling me.” The only way you get this person out of your mind and heart and not controlling you any more is you heal it.. Read more →

Your Bodyweight Sweet Spot

The idea of maintaining a lean body isn’t to be perfect every single day of the year and have your ideal bodyfat % every single day. It’s really about having smaller swings in weight and bodyfat. Instead of going up and down 30-40lbs (or more) the idea is to pull that range down to maybe.. Read more →

Conquering the Good Food/Bad Food Mindset

Restricting specific foods and food categories makes it become very easy to cross your diet boundary and thus massively overeat. The tighter your diet boundaries are, the worse the binge will be once you cross that boundary. You need to get rid of the good food vs bad food mindset, the carbs are ‘bad’ way.. Read more →

How Many Calories Does A Pound Of Muscle Burn?

Posted on a very popular fitness page: “Focus on lifting over cardio. Lifting at an intense high tempo burns way more calories than cardio. Adding lean muscle increases your BMR. Just adding 5 pounds of muscle will increase the amount of calories you burn each day by over 300!!” What’s wrong here? The author is.. Read more →

Leave Time To Build Muscle

“If you know you need more lean mass to place better in the division you compete in, why are you competing again in a few months? ……There is nothing wrong with disappearing for one, two or more years from the stage. If you are female, natural and beyond the beginner stage, you will be lucky.. Read more →