Adjust your thinking from off-and-on dieting to living a lifestyle of balance

July 30th, 2014 by

So here’s something that goes hand in hand with the “I’ll start my diet on Monday” phenomenon…

A lot of people go out and treat their weekend prior to beginning a diet as a “last supper” where they eat everything in sight and typically do so in painfully large quantities.

Don’t do that. Rather, consider starting to moderate your intake of the foods you do choose to eat during that time.

Start to adjust your thinking from the idea of being on a diet (massive deprivation) and being off a diet (gorge yourself to the point of agony) to living a lifestyle of balance where even if you’re not fully “on” you don’t have to be fully “off” either.

The hardest part of physique change is the psychological change that must go along with it. The sooner you begin to make that change, the easier it will be.