A Fitness Lifestyle Versus Serial Dieting

January 3rd, 2014 by

A fitness LIFESTYLE isn’t just something you do when circumstances are optimal. A lifestyle is something you LIVE and that means that you do it ALL of the time…even when circumstances aren’t ideal.

If you find that you’re on a plan when your life is easy and and then off of a plan when life gets tough you are not living a fitness lifestyle. You are a serial dieter.

And, if that is you, you’ll never make any lasting forward progress because you’ll always be making two steps forward only to make two steps back again when difficult circumstances arise.

Am I saying that you always have to be perfect on your plan when circumstances are toughest? Not at all. We all go through periods where some of the circumstances are beyond our control.

But what I AM saying is that, even if things are tough, you should still focus on the things that you CAN control instead of just letting go of the wheel and seeing where life takes you.

When you continuously make a commitment to fitness and nutrition REGARDLESS of your life circumstances then it becomes a lifestyle instead of a series of diets and your results will being to reflect this.